WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme – Disable Hyphenation


Automatic hyphenation is enabled by default for the Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme for WordPress.com hosted websites.

If you’ve paid for the ability to customize your website ($30 a year), it’s possible to disable this feature in the CSS Customization window.

If you’re self hosting, then you can add the JetPack plug-in and connect it to a free WordPress.com account.


  1. From within your WordPress Dashboard, choose Appearance > Customize.
  2. Choose Custom Design
  3. From the CSS menu option, enter the following below the existing information. You can also copy and paste it in. This should turn off hyphenation throughout the site.

/* Turn off hyphenation */
p {
-moz-hyphens: none;
-ms-hyphens: none;
-webkit-hyphens: none;
hyphens: none;
word-wrap: normal;

7 thoughts on “WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme – Disable Hyphenation

  1. Thanks so much for this. I’m using the Twenty Fourteen theme on a site because it’s the only one I’ve found that will work with a certain set of plugins and maintain the required security, and the theme is even hyphenating hyperlinks because it has so much white space on either side of the content. This worked to eliminate that issue.

  2. Howdy. This works great. Many thanks.

    But a quick question — it works fine when I add that CSS to the Additional CSS section of Customize, but doesn’t work I add it to style.css in my child theme instead. I must be missing something. Any suggestions? Many thanks. Cheers, Dave

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