WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme – Disable Hyphenation

Overview Automatic hyphenation is enabled by default for the Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme for WordPress.com hosted websites. If you've paid for the ability to customize your website ($30 a year), it's possible to disable this feature in the CSS Customization window. If you're self hosting, then you can add the JetPack plug-in and connect it … Continue reading WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme – Disable Hyphenation

WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme Facebook Like Box Widget Optimal Settings

If you're using the Twenty Fourteen theme hosted by WordPress.com and would like to use the Facebook Like Box widget, the following settings seem to work best. Placement: Content Sidebar (the wide right column area) Width: 300px Height: 290px Color Scheme: Light Show Faces: checked Show Border: checked The above settings produce a Facebook Like … Continue reading WordPress.com Twenty Fourteen Theme Facebook Like Box Widget Optimal Settings