WordPress Images Not Loading – JetPack Photon Image Cache Down

If you’re a self-hosted WordPress user, and you’ve noticed some site images not loading, it may be a result of a failure with the Photon photo caching feature in JetPack.

Try turning off the feature under Dashboard > JetPack > Settings > Appearance.

Delete any SuperCache or other local plugin site cache because those will still point to the JetPack hosted images. Then once the cache is cleared, you can enable these again.

This issue was observed, the above workaround proved to be a short-term fix, at 3:50 PM CST on 23 February 2017.

4 thoughts on “WordPress Images Not Loading – JetPack Photon Image Cache Down

  1. After 2 hours of stressing out, this fixed my problem! Photos would show in my edit page and media gallery but not on the published post until I turned the feature off.

  2. This worked. I was pulling my hair out thinking it was Pagespeed, some nonsense with Lightsail, etc … now we are good. Thanks for the advice!

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