Setting up a WordPress Website with DreamHost

These are the steps to setting up a WordPress website using DreamHost.
  1. Signup with DreamHost.
  2. Begin in at your DreamHost login Home page.
  3. Domains > Registrations > Register a new domain.
  4. Enter a domain name and click Check Availability, continue through purchase process.
  5. Wait a few minutes while it sets up.
  6. Domains > Manage Domains.
  7. In the column under Web Hosting, for the domain you’re setting up, click the Add link.
  8. In the Fully Hosted section, under Users, Files, and Paths, next to Run this domain under the user: have Create a New User (Recommended) selected, and below enter the domain name as the username with the .com ending.
  9. You’ll get a Success message in a green box.
  10.  Wait for a few minutes.
  11. Go to Goodies > One Click Installs > WordPress.
  12. Under the Custom On-Click Installer select the domain. Leave the other selections as is. Automatically Create Database and Deluxe Install should be selected.
  13. Click the Install it for me now button.
  14. Wait about 10 minutes for the installation to complete.
  15. Go to your new website address and complete the setup process.