Import Google Blogger Posts to WordPress

Here are the steps to automatically import (copy) Google Blogger Posts to a WordPress self-hosted website.

  1. You’ll begin by going to your Blogger account and Exporting (saving/downloading) your entire blog to an XML file.
  2. Go to and login. You’ll be at your Home screen (Dashboard). Your blog or blogs will be listed. Click on the name of the blog you’d like to import into WordPress.
  3. In the left column, click Settings > Other. At the top of the Other options, you’ll see the option to Export Blog as shown below.20160203we1002-blogger-settings-other-export-blog-to-wordpress-xml-file
  4. Click the Export Blog link and choose to Download the resulting file to your computer. This file will be needed later when you upload the file in step #8 below.
  5. On your WordPress site you’ll need the Blogger Importer plug-in. If you have it installed already, continue to step #6. If you don’t have it already installed, go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Search for Blogger Importer. You should see results similar to those shown below. Blogger Importer is shown in the top left. Click the Install Now button if the plug-in is not already installed.
  6. Now in your WordPress Dashboard go to Tools > Import as shown below.
  7. Click on the Blogger option at the top. You’ll be taken to the following screen and will need to select a file to be imported.
  8. At this point you will need to go get the XML file you downloaded from your Blogger account in step #4 above. Click Choose File and then press the blue Upload file and import button.
  9. The import process will require that you indicate the author (username) on your WordPress site that will be listed as the author of the posts being imported.
  10. If the process completes successfully, you’ll be notified with a screen like the one below.

If the process has an error, it may be due to a file size limitation in your WordPress installation. If so, you’ll need to increase the maximum file size for uploads. Advanced users may be able to follow the instructions in this video to accomplish this. You’ll need to edit (or create) the PHP.ini file found in the top level where your WordPress files are stored. Alternatively, you can use the steps in this video to edit your .htaccess file at the top level of your public_html folder. Be careful because making changes in these system files can cause your website to crash.