Elegant Themes Divi Theme Change Log Version Update History

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Below are the Elegant Themes Divi Theme Change Log Version Update History release notes. These are current as of 3 March 2016.

version ( updated 02-25-2016 )
- Fixed the issue where Theme Customizer settings failed to save successfully.
* includes/builder/framework.php

version ( updated 02-24-2016 )
- Added several performance enhancements. Those experiencing slow builder loads, server slowdown or 500 errors should update to fix these issues.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed issue where < br > tags were replaced with physical line breaks in the post editor while in Text mode.
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed issue where new categories and widget areas did not appear in Divi Builder module settings.
* includes/builder/core.php

version ( updated 02-20-2016 )
- Page Builder: Fixed Text Formatting Issues
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Page Builder: Page Load Speed Improvements
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js

version ( updated 02-18-2016 )
- Fixed escaping issues in comment count
* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed the issue with line breaks, stripped from modules in Page Builder
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js

version 2.6.4 ( updated 02-17-2016 )
- IMPORTANT: Fixed critical privilege escalation security vulnerability that, if properly exploited, could allow unprivileged registered WordPress users to perform a subset of actions within the Divi Builder, including the potential to manipulate posts.
* For more detailed information, please refer to the full public disclosure that was emailed to all customers on 2-17-2016: http://bit.ly/1Q9P13N
- Added clear cache warning to remind users to clear their cache when Divi Builder files have been updated.
* includes/builder/functions.php
- Reduced PHP memory usage within the Divi Builder to help reduce errors on hosting accounts with low memory limits.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php

version 2.6.2 ( updated 02-04-2016 )
- Fixed issue with malformed search for appearing the in the Theme Customizer
* header.php
* js/theme-customizer.js
- Fixed issue with blog module pagination not functioning correctly in some situations.
* functions.php
- Fixed issue with broken Divi Theme Options styling when the parent theme name was changed.
* functions.php
* epanel/core_functions.php
- Added excerpt support for pages.
* epanel/custom_functions.php
- Fixed bug where clearing selected color failed in some situations.
* scripts/builder.js
- Fixed bug that caused Admin Labels to not be available for Sections.
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
- Fixed bug where responsive padding values where applied to the incorrect breakpoint in the Post Slider module.
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Fixed bug where custom column CSS classes were incorrectly applied to the parent Row in some situations.
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
- Removed the inapplicable Read More button from the tinyMCE editor when used inside the Divi Builder.
* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed bug that caused various plugin incompatibilities.
* includes/builder/layouts.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/template-preview.php

version 2.6.1 ( updated 01-25-2016 )
- Fixed bug where builder would not load in certain browsers
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed bug where ePanel CSS would not load when a child theme was enabled.
* epanel/core_functions.php

version 2.6 ( updated 01-25-2016 )
- Customizer: Added standard fonts
* functions.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
- Added option to display project navigation on projects created with Page Builder
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* single-project.php
- Added option to enable/disable Divi gallery for shortcode
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed the issue when default accent color not being used for background color
	* functions.php
- Fixed the issue when page container top padding not updated correctly on resize
	* js/custom.js
- Fixed the issue with header animation in IE11
- Added fixed header default height
- Fixed vertical nav sidebar styling issues
- Removed IE's clear input button on search input fields
- Fixed the issue with appearance of Woocommerce 2.5 cart page on mobile screens
	* css/main-styles.css
- Fixed the issue with excluding more than one category for menu on epanel
	* epanel/custom_functions.php
- Added option to configure the orientation of vertical navigation
	* css/main-styles.css
	* functions.php
	* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
	* js/theme-customizer.js
- Added Slide In and Fullscreen header styles
	* css/main-styles.css
	* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
	* functions.php
	* header.php
	* includes/functions/choices.php
	* js/custom.js
	* js/theme-customizer.js
- Customizer: Fixed the issue when custom widget areas not displaying in theme Customizer
	* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
- ePanel: Updated ePanel To Look Like Divi
	* /epanel
- Customizer: Fixed menu bar appearance in customizer when secondary menu is empty
	* header.php
	* js/custom.js
	* js/theme-customizer.js
- Customizer: Fixed the issue with Background Image Stretch setting not working before first save
	* functions.php
- Fixed the issue with duplicated video on video post format when YOAST SEO plugin is used
	* functions.php
	* single.php
- Fixed the issue with localization of WooCommerce items in header
	* functions.php
	* single.php
- Updated Waypoints library to version 4.0.0
	* includes/builder/scripts/waypoints.min.js
- Fixed reset color picker to default error
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Fixed the issue with wrong appearance of reset button for the Font options
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
- Fixed JetPack Related Posts unwanted shortcode
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed the issue with Video Post format when the first uploaded video is not updated if it's replaced by another video
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed the issue with modules saving when limited tabs available for user
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
- Fixed the isue with missing "delete" button on custom widget areas
	* includes/builder/scripts/ext/widgets.js
- Fixed incorrect divi builder icon placement in RTL layout
	* includes/builder/styles/style.css
- Fixed translation issues in various modules
	* includes/builder/framework.php
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Gallery Module: Fixed image overlay styling in Safari
	* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
- Fixed the issue when custom widget areas not displaying in theme customizer
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Fixed JetPack Related Posts unwanted shortcode issue
	* includes/builder/functions.php
- Сontact Form Module: Improved email validation
	* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
- Сontact Form Module: Improved spam protection
- Сontact Form Module: Added ability to add/remove/sort fields
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
	* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
- Fixed the issues with translation in Russian localization files
	* includes/builder/languages/ru_RU.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ru_RU.mo
- Fixed the issue with preview error in library
	* includes/builder/layouts.php
- Page Builder: Fixed the issue with CTRL+Z not working inside input fields
	* includes/builder/builder.js
- Page Builder: Fixed the issue with disappearing predefined layouts sometimes
	* includes/builder/layouts.php
- Page Builder: Added animations to Modals and different elements in Builder interface
	* includes/builder/styles/style.css
	* includes/builder/builder.js
- Added overlay option for the Blog and Image modules
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
	* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
- Added Image overlay and Text overlay options for the Slider module
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
	* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
- Added missing reset button for Columns advanced settings
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
- Slider Module: Fixed the Hide CTA on mobile and Hide Content on mobile options
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Fixed the issue with duplicated entries in "Built For" filter in Library
	* includes/builder/functions.php
	* includes/builder/layouts.php
- Moved CSS Class and CSS ID options on Custom CSS tab
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Page Builder: Optimized the Builder loading and made load faster
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/functions.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
- Removed all monarch share button from preview screen
	* includes/builder/styles/preview.css
- Fullwidth Portfolio: Added Advanced settings
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Fixed the issue when playing audio module stopped video background
	* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
- Fixed the issue with saving a row or section as global when it contains global items
	* scripts/builder.js
- Accordion Module: Fixed the issue with Open/Closed toggle text color option.
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Custom CSS: Improved custom css options and made the selector visible for each option
- Custom CSS: Added useful css options to various modules
- Custom CSS: Added custom css options to columns
- Added Responsive Settings to various options in Builder
- Added Option to hide module/row/section on certain devices ( Phone, Tablet, Desktop )
	* Almost all files updated in the /framework directory
- Added support of swipe gestures in Slider modules
	* includes/builder/frontend-builder-scripts.js
	* includes/builder/framework.php
- Added Posts Nav module
- Added Search module
- Added Button module
- Added Comments module
- Added Posts Slider module
- Added Fullwidth Posts Slider module
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
- Added system to sync the default Advanced Settings of child modules with current values of parent module
	* includes/builder/main-modules.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js

version 2.5.9 ( updated 12-14-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with SEO titles, not working in ePanel
* epanel/custom_functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.8 ( updated 12-08-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with permalinks when Yoast plugin is activated and page contains Blog or Portfolio module
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.7 ( updated 12-07-2015 )
– Customizer: Fixed checkboxes position in WordPress 4.4
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with some default styles printed out on front-end
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with copying Color field custom values
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with Logo resizing with Centered Navigation header style and Fixed Nav enabled
– Customizer: Fixed blog header spacing sanatizing callback to allow negative values
– Fixed the issue with some ET Settings not saved on custom post type pages
* functions.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed the issue with layout padding top value, calculated incorrectly on a post page, using Page Builder, with at least 1 comment
* js/custom.js
– Page Builder: Fixed Close Preview button position in WordPress 4.4
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with expand/collapse button outline in WordPress 4.4
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
– Page Builder: Fixed the error with Rows Duplication, where columns count became incorrect
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with Global Modules Admin Label reset, when a module is being duplicated
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with content analysis in Yoast SEO 3.0 plugin
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Updated FitVids.js to version 1.1
* includes/builder/scripts/jquery.fitvids.js
– Fixed the issue with {{unknown}} tag, appearing on pages with non-supported oEmbed videos
– Portfolio Module: Added help text to the category option
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed the issue with incorrect video width and height saved values
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
– Map Module: Fixed unwanted pin title and info box behaviour
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Circle Counters: Fixed the issue with counters not being fully responsive on page load
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Video Slider: Fixed the issue with Cover Image low resolution
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Social Media Follow: Fixed the issue with wrong skype URL
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Updated some localization files
* lang/nb_NO.mo
* lang/nb_NO.po
* lang/hu_HU.mo
* lang/hu_HU.po
* lang/cs_CZ.mo
* lang/cs_CZ.po
* includes/builder/languages/nb_NO.mo
* includes/builder/languages/nb_NO.po
* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.mo
* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.po
* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.mo
* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.po
– Section: Fixed the issue when unwanted circle appearing in Section with video background on iOS
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.6 ( updated 11-06-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with deprecated wp_title function in WordPress 4.4
* functions.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.5 ( updated 10-21-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with undefined et_get_option function, when some plugins are active on a site
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with incorrect font icons order
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed the issue with line-height default units in Page Builder advanced settings
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
– Blog Module: Fixed the issue with WP-Pagenavi plugin
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.4 ( updated 10-20-2015 )
– Fixed builder hotkeys, mistakenly capturing ALT + Z to undo changes
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Image Module: Fixed the issue with Center alignment setting
– Pricing table: Fixed the issue with Center alignment option not working properly
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Removed @import declarations from style.css. CSS code is located in style.css file now
* style.css
– Fixed small design issues in predefined layouts
* includes/builder/layouts.php
– Sidebar Module: Made the first registered sidebar default
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed the issue with Divi Library export feature when all the items were exported without Layout Type
* includes/builder/framework.php
– Fixed the issue with right click feature not working on some elements inside the Row
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with gallery module caption custom styles not applied properly
– Gallery and Filterable Portfolio: Fixed the issue with border option not applied properly
– Person Module: Fixed the issue with hover icon color option not working properly
– Portfolio module: Fixed the issue with “Caption color” option and renamed it to “Meta color”
– Fullwidth Menu: Fixed the issue with broken menu styles, when Primary menu is not defined
– Email Optin: Fixed the issue with Focus fields custom options not working
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed the issue with some float line-height values not working ( for example, 1.1em, 2.2em, 3.3em etc. )
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Now multiple contact forms can be used on a page
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Fixed the conflict of button custom color option with color scheme colors
* functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
– Fixed the unexpected behavior when gutter width is set to 0 in Rows
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
– Fixed the issue when unwanted circle appearing in slider with video background on iOS
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Fixed the issue with wrong behavior of Enter and Esc hotkeys, when WordPress modal windows are open ( ex. Image Upload )
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with Page Builder editor fullscreen mode incorrect display in Firefox
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Gallery Module: Fixed the issue with pagination, when multiple galleries exist on a page and one of them has ID attribute
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Global Modules: Fixed the issue with Admin labels not being saved properly
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Replaced enable/disable text in Dutch language to shorter version ( Aan/Uit )
* includes/builder/languages/nl_NL.po
– Contact Form: Fixed wrongly decoded ampersand in module’s email title
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Updated Magnific Popup script to 1.0.0 version
* includes/builder/scripts/jquery.magnific-popup.js
– Slider: Fixed item title’s discrepancies
* style.css
* functions.php
* js/theme-customizer.js
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Added Parallax background images option for columns
– Added Left/Right padding option for sections
– Added custom margin options for Rows
– Added Header Image to the CSS Tab in the Fullwidth Header module
– Updated padding/margin/width option sanitization to accept “vh” and “vw”
– Fixed the issue with CTA “max width” not being applied correctly
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Fullwidth header: Fixed the issue when the module becomes inactive, when specific button icons are selected
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with Background color Reset button in Section settings
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed encoding issue with French localization in Code Module
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
– Countdown Module: Improved responsive layout on small screens
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Added missing “gift” icon into the Icon Picker option in all Modules
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Improved localization in Contact Form Module
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Added support of Microformats
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* index.php
* page.php
* single-project.php
* single.php
– Fixed the issue with disappearing “Export Divi Layouts” button in FireFox
* includes/builder/scripts/library_scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/library_pages.css
– Fixed the issue with Submit button icon styling on hover in Contact Form module
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Blurb Module: Fixed the issue when description text alignment is always centered for 768px breakpoint and lower
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Fixed post title module padding issue
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
– Email Optin: Fixed the issue with 25 lists limit for MailChimp
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Replaced curl function with wp_remote_post funciton in MailChimp_Divi class to avoid some issues
* includes/builder/subscription/mailchimp/mailchimp.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Added Custom CSS tab to Individual Slides, Pricing tables, Bar Counters and Toggles
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Added Basic ( websafe ) fonts into the Font options in Page Builder
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed the issue when preview in Customizer stops working with certain options, if fixed menu is disabled
* js/theme-customizer.js
– Added “Disable Translations” option which forces Divi to use English regardless of WordPress language
* epanel/options_divi.php
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with WooCommerce product image popup appearing under the header
– Fixed “Comments Reply” button position on mobile breakpoints
* style.css
– Fixed the calendar pagination issue with Events+ plugin
* js/custom.js
– Added option to control number of Products displayed on WooCommerce archive pages
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* epanel/options_divi.php
– Fixed the issue with “Hide Nav Before Scroll” option, not working correctly on Single Pages
* functions.php
– Added ability to enter the values manually in Customizer range options
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
* functions.php
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
– Improved theme security by adding sanitization to all options in Customizer
* js/theme-customizer.js
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
* includes/functions/sanitization.php
* includes/functions/choices.php
* header.php
– Removed various backward compatibilities from ePanel which are no longer relevant
* epanel/custom_functions.php

version 2.5.3 ( updated 09-05-2015 )
– Code Module: Fixed the issue with shortcodes, not working in the module with WYSIWIG Text mode activated
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed HTML5 input elements styling issues
* css/main-styles.css
– Fixed ‘Show Thumbs on Index pages’ option
* index.php
– Fullwidth Post Title Module: Fixed the issue with the module preview in Page Builder
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed single quote escaping issue in a module preview
* includes/builder/template-preview.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version ( updated 09-04-2015 )
– Code Module: Fixed encoding issues
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with bulleted text and tables, displayed incorrectly in a module preview
* includes/builder/css/main-styles.css
– Fixed incorrect module item height, when admin label is not defined
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
– Fixed the issue with “read more” button, when a blog post contains Blog module
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Map Module: Fixed “uncaught range” error, appearing in some cases
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.2 ( updated 09-03-2015 )
– Updated lock/unlock permissions to use Divi’s lock_module role
– Fixed the conflict with BackupBuddy plugin and probably some other plugins
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Updated Blog Module Thumbnail selector field to on/off field
– Fixed the issue with disappearing Blurb module images on some sites
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed fullscreen header height issue, when vertical nav is activated and no secondary nav is defined
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
– Fixed the issue with loading of Page Builder files on Import page
* includes/builder/framework.php
– Page Builder hotkeys improvements
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5.1 ( updated 09-02-2015 )
– Fixed issue with elements not appearing in Live Previews and on pages using the Blank Page Template.
* js/custom.js
– Fixed “preg_match(): Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 1” warning message
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.5 ( updated 09-02-2015 )
* All files changed/updated
– Page Builder: Added Right Click Menu into
– Added Role Editor feature
– Added Lock Module feature
– Added Disable Module feature
– Added option to collapse Sections and Rows
– Added option to copy and paste modules inside the Page Builder
– Added Preview feature into the Page Builder
– Added Undo/Redo and History of changes into the Page Builder
– Added new field to allow users to define admin label for slides
– Added option to display products from selected categories into Shop Module
– Added captions support for the Divi galleries
– Added Enter and Escape buttons support in Page Builder modals
– Added option to disable custom padding for columns on mobile
– Added quicktags panel into the tinyMCE editor inside the Page Builder
– Code Module: Fixed the issue with some content, stripped off from the module
– Fullwidth Menu Module: Added advanced design settings
– Blog Module: Added option to display comment count
– Added Author support to Project Post Types
– Customizer: Added logo height option into
– Customizer: Added secondary menu link color option in fixed nav option in
– Customizer: Added Site Identity section
– Modules are sorted alphabetically by name now
– Global Tabs Module: Fixed the issue with duplication of tabs in a Global module
– Fixed various line height range issues in Page Builder
– Fixed the issue with more tag inside modules
– Fixed the conflict between Blog module and Shop module, when products are ordered by popularity
– Fixed the issue with adding saved rows with 1 column into specialty sections
– Fixed image zoom on page load when using blog grid
– Fixed the issue with custom icons in Gallery/Portfolio modules
– Testimonial Module: Changed images width and height range settings to 1-200
– Fixed the issue with image in blurb module when wrong image path defined
– Fixed the conflict with some plugins that use different MailChimp class
– Fixed the Fullscreen mode of tinyMCE editor when enabled from the builder modal window
– Social Media Follow Module: Fixed the issue with Skype Button link
– Fixed the issue with infinite blog loop if a post contains Portfolio module
– Optimized Page Builder files loading in WP-Admin
– Fixed the issue with Settings icon, disappering from specialty section in some cases
– Fixed the issue with preview in customizer, when different WordPress Address and Site Address are defined
– Fixed the issue with unexpected behavior, when Enter button is pressed in the builder
– Fixed the issue with image edit tooltip, not showing in Page Builder’s editor
– Fixed the issue with duplication of predefined layouts, when a child theme is activated
– Fixed the issue with overlay border color when custom overlay color is selected in Gallery, Portfolio, Filterable Portfolio and Shop modules
– Fixed the issue with wrong total number of layouts displayed on Library page
– Fixed some errors when Video or Video slider modules are added with no settings configured
– Text Module: Fixed the issue with “Justified” text orientation
– Fixed the issue with appearance of WooCommerce Related Products when Sidebar is enabled
– Fixed the conflict between active menu color and color scheme options
– Fixed the issue with Gallery post types appearance on category pages
– Fixed the conflict between accent color option and button color in customizer preview
– Fixed the issue with z-index of Side Navigation and Back to Top button to make sure it is always on top
– Fixed unwanted space in main nav, if inline centered logo and hide logo are used together
– Fixed the issue with logo transition on scroll ( made it more smooth )
– Fixed the issue with disappearing adsense in footer widget
– Fixed the issue with Primary Nav that breaks if user uses .svg based logo
– Various bug fixes and code improvements

version ( updated 08-18-2015 )
– Fixed issue with WordPress 4.3 that caused shortened post titles and excerpts to not be truncated correctly
* epanel/custom_functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version ( updated 08-18-2015 )
– Fixed WP_Widget class constructor warning message
* includes/widgets/widget-about.php
* includes/widgets/widget-ads.php
* includes/widgets/widget-adsense.php
– Fixed Customizer styling issues
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
– Fixed “Layouts / Add New” functionality issue with WordPress 4.3
* includes/builder/scripts/library_scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/library_pages.css
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version ( updated 08-12-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with WooCommerce v2.4.2, where product tabs were not clickable
* js/custom.js
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version ( updated 07-22-2015 )
– Improved WYSIWYG functionality in the builder
– Fixed various bugs related to the TinyMCE editor that caused unwanted line breaks to be added to builder content
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.4.6 ( updated 07-16-2015 )
– Added print styles to improve the page format when printed
* epanel/shortcodes/css/shortcodes_responsive.css
* rtl.css
* style.css
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with menu/logo height option when “Fixed Navigation” is disabled
* js/custom.js
* js/theme-customizer.js
* style.css
– Customizer: “Hide navigation until scroll” option is hidden if fixed nav is disabled now
– Blog and Portfolio modules: Fixed the issue with pagination, not working properly on single pages with non-default permalinks
– Pricing Table Module: Fixed the issue with “-” sign, not being recognized properly in some cases
– Fixed the issue with custom body class, ovewritten in WP-Admin
* functions.php
– Fullscreen Header Module: Fixed the issue with scrolling on pages with multiple Fullscreen Header modules
– Circle Counter, Number Counter modules: Fixed the conflict with Form Maker Pro plugin
* js/custom.js
– Countdown Timer Module: Fixed the issue with time, displaying incorrect values for visitors in different locations
* js/custom.js
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed the issue with the following setup: More than 1 fullwidth module in the first section + transparent navigation
– Fullwidth Header Module: Fixed the issue with Down Arrow, not being visible with Transparent Navigation enabled
* js/custom.js
* js/theme-customizer.js
– Megamenu: Added support for less than four columns
– Fixed the issue with dropdown menu animation on iPad in landscape mode
– Image module: Fixed ‘Remove Space Below The Image’ option functionality
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Updated localization files:
* lang/nl_NL.mo
* lang/nl_NL.po
* includes/builder/languages/nl_NL.mo
* includes/builder/languages/nl_NL.po
– Customizer: Fixed incorrect page padding top value, applied when changing “Header Style” to “Center”
* js/theme-customizer.js
– Fixed the issue with Gallery Post Format, combining all galleries in one single gallery
– Fixed the issue with “Gallery” Posts, not displaying JetPack’s tiled gallery format when it’s enabled
* functions.php
* index.php
– Fixed the issue with slider animations, not working properly in Firefox
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* style.css
– Applied alpha sliders to background color options in advanced settings
– Contact Form Module: Improved Accessibility
– Fixed the issue with Custom Margin Settings overridden, when custom gutter width is defined
– Blurb Module: Fixed the issue with Title color option, conflicting with “color scheme” setting
– Page Builder: Fixed some line height settings ranges in advanced settings
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Slider Module: Added the option to animate the slider on hover, when Automattic Animation is enabled
– Bar Counters: Fixed the issue with background color, not covering percentage text properly in some cases
* js/custom.js
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed various modules line-height issues
– Contact Form Module: Fixed incorrect id attribute
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with changes, not being saved in Text mode, when Elegant Builder plugin is enabled
* functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Slider Module Advanced Settings: Fixed the issue with custom fonts settings
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with the ability to move a section above the main builder buttons
– Page Builder: Improved Content WYSIWIG editors functionality
– Gallery Module: Removed thumbnail-size options that is shown when choosing images
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with non-working icons in Page builder
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Global Modules: Fixed the issue with shortcodes, not working in a module
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with 1px border setting, ignored on front-end
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
– Advanced Design Settings: Added validation to some settings
* functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fullwidth Header Module: Fixed the issue with wrong icon set, provided for the “Icon” setting
* functions.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with Row width on Projects, when boxed layout is enabled
– Fixed the issue with Row background, overriding column backgrounds if parallax background setting is enabled
– Fixed the widths of select boxes on WooCommerce variable products pages
– Text Module: Removed 100% width from Text Module to avoid custom margin overlap
– Blog Module: Fixed the issue with items, overlapping the blog grid in small columns in Firefox
– Megamenu: Fixed alignment issues, when “Vertical navigation” is enabled
– Divider Module: Fixed some issues with the module rendering in IE11
– Fixed Sub menu animation on some mobile devices
– Fixed Project page layout width issues
– Fixed centered inline logo padding issue on mobile
– Fullwidth Header Module: Fixed Vertical alignment in IE 9-10
– Added cursor pointer to mobile menu
– Removed default search icon from webkit browsers
– Reorganized style.css file
– Bumped version number
* style.css

– Updated builder versioning on load to prevent potential problems due to browser cache.
* includes/builder/functions.php

version 2.4.5 ( updated 07-02-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with 404 page, displaying instead of “Edit Page / Post” page in WP-Admin on some servers
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with shortcodes, not working in Pricing Table Module content
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed the issue with global modules and rows, not saving content properly inside the Specialty Section sidebar
– Fixed the issue with
tag, added to content in Text mode, when a new module is created
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Pricing Table Module: Fixed some Custom CSS settings
– Fullwidth Header Module: Added “Logo Title” and “Logo Image Alt Text” options
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Updated some localization files
* lang/nl_NL.mo
* lang/nl_NL.po
* lang/it_IT.mo
* lang/it_IT.po
* lang/pl_PL.mo
* lang/pl_PL.po
* lang/fi.mo
* lang/fi.po
* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.mo
* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.po
– Fixed the issue with Centered Inline Logo in IE
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.4.4 ( updated 06-26-2015 )
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with Footer Layout option, not working with localized text
* css/theme-customizer-controls-styles.css
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with light font variants, not being displayed properly in Live Preview
* epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js
* functions.php
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with range slider tooltips, not being visible in Safari
* js/theme-customizer-controls.js
– Fixed the issue with Customizer, not working properly if the WordPress Address is different than Site Address
* functions.php
– Fixed various formatting issues in WYSIWIG editor.
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with double quotes, disappearing in modules settings
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Made transparent background for pagebuilder sections to be used on single pages only
– Fixed some RTL layout issues
* js/custom.js
* rtl.css
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
– Removed unneeded space at the top of the site on mobile, when ‘Fixed Navigation’ option is disabled in ePanel
* functions.php
* style.css
– Fullwidth Portfolio: Fixed the issue with resizing on the page with Blog module
* js/custom.js
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Login Module: Fixed the issue with “Log out” link, not being displayed for logged in users
– Fullwidth Header Module: Buttons and Logo image now show up, even if Title and/or Subheading is not set
– Map / Fullwidth Map Module: Fixed the issue with Custom CSS settings, not being applied on frontend
– Blog Module: Changed blog module output to not show post content if it also has a blog module enabled
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Mega menu width is 100% in centered inline logo header style now
– Fixed the issue with modules visibility inside rows and fullwidth section with parallax background
– Blurb Module: Fixed Blurb image incorrect display in Firefox
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.4.3 ( updated 06-22-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with CSS parallax section, not working after the Map module
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Fixed the Accent Color conflict with some Advanced color settings
– Updated the Project taxonomy labels for better readability
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with submenus, being visible at all times
– Fixed custom dropdown animation in Safari
– Fixed dropdown menu, not working in Safari with “Hide menu until scroll” option enabled
– Fixed animation glitch in header when using “expand” animation in Firefox
– Fixed the issue with mobile sub-menu links, not working with flip animation
* style.css
– Fullwidth Header Module: Fixed the issue with header content alignment when no image is selected
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
* style.css
– Customizer: Fixed the issue with primary menu background option preview
* js/theme-customizer.js
– Page Builder: Fixed the issue with modules alignment
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
– Contact Form Module: Fixed the issue with custom button icon
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed some issues with Global Modules, not being in sync in some cases
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
– Fullwidth Header Module: Added ‘Text Max Width’ setting
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.4.2 ( updated 06-18-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with image module animation when default animation selected

version 2.4.1 ( updated 06-18-2015 )
– Blog module: Fixed the issue with with stretched images in Safari
– Fixed mega menu styling issues
– Fixed the issue with Search bar, not visible in Safari
– Fixed fullwidth search field position
* style.css
– Fixed modules initialization on frontend
* functions.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
– Fixed the issue with Customizer, returning back to the homepage automatically on the page with Fullwidth Portfolio module
– Accordion Module: Fixed the issue with toggles, being opened at the same time, when a user was clicking fast.
* js/custom.js
– Updated “Masonry Blog” to “Blog Grid” to match Builder verbiage
– Updated “Full Width Slider” to “Fullwidth Slider” to match builder verbiage
* functions.php
* js/theme-customizer.js
– Added tooltips to the Builder module icons for better usability
* includes/builder/functions.php
– Fixed some visual issues with TinyMCE editor buttons in Page Builder
* includes/builder/styles/style.css
– Shop Module: Fixed sort functionality
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Fixed some issues with items, dragged to Global Sections and Rows
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
– Fixed the issue with default module settings values, being added to custom css on pages.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/main-modules.php
– Map Modules: Fixed main map preview
* includes/builder/main-modules.php

version 2.4 ( updated 06-17-2015 )
* All files changed/updated
– Made Divi fully fluid ( all Module are percentage based now )
– Added Divi Library and ability to save modules, rows and sections
– Added ability to create global modules, rows and sections and sync their content
– Added Settings for Rows
– Added “Change Column Structure” option for Rows
– Added Gutter width options for the entire website and for single rows
– Added Width option for the entire website and for single rows
– Added Advanced options and Custom CSS options to all modules.
– Added New options into Theme Customizer and updated existing options
* All existing sections of customizer have been updated with new settings
* Added Buttons settings
* Added Blog settings
* Added Mobile styles settings
* Added new font options for varius areas of website and modules
* Added section height and row height options
* Added Footer layout option
* Some more various options
– Added new header options
* Header height
* Fixed header height
* “Centered inline logo” header style
* “Hide Navigation Until Scroll” option
* Various font options for navigation
* Dropdown menu animation
* Some more various options
– Added Module Customizer to configure General settings for every module
– Added “Code” Module
– Added “Fullwidth Code” Module
– Added “Post Title” Module
– Added “Fullwidth Post Title” Module
– Added “Fullwidth Image” Module
– Improved the Page Builder appearance
– Improved all modules css code
– Added Page Builder for posts
– Added fullscreen option into the Fullwidth Header module
– Moved Divi options from the Appearance menu into its own “Divi” menu
– Reworked the Divi search bar in the header
– Fixed the issue with pagination in Blog module when offset is defined
– Improved Builder code and made it easier to add new custom modules
– Various bug fixes and code improvements

version 2.3.2 ( updated 04-23-2015 )
– Fixed the issue with Aweber, breaking Page Builder on some servers, when no settings were defined
* functions.php
– Added minor security hardening
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.3.1 ( updated 02-19-2015 )
– Fixed some issues with Aweber functionality
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with “Search” text, not recognized in localization files
* header.php
– Fixed the issue with secondary navigation items, not visible on mobile devices
* js/custom.js
– Fullwidth Module: Fixed the issue with mobile menu background color
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Updated localization files
* lang/da_DK.mo
* lang/da_DK.po
* lang/fr_FR.mo
* lang/fr_FR.po
* lang/it_IT.mo
* lang/it_IT.po
* lang/nl_NL.mo
* lang/nl_NL.po
– Improved compatibility with child themes, created before the previous version of the theme ( 2.3 )
* epanel/custom_functions.php
– Renamed Portuguese localizaton files
* lang/pt_BR.mo
* lang/pt_BR.po
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.3 ( updated 02-12-2015 )
– The theme has been translated into the following languages:
* Arabic
* Bulgarian
* Chinese
* Czech
* Danish
* Dutch
* Finnish
* French
* German
* Greek
* Hebrew
* Hungarian
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Malay
* Norwegian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Russian
* Serbian
* Slovak
* Spanish
* Swedish
* Tagalog
* Thai
* Turkish
* Ukrainian
* Vietnamese
– Fixed character encoding in layouts code
* et-pagebuilder/layouts/layouts.php
– Added missing text domains for translations
– Added Offset Number option to the Blog Module
– Removed text color option from Blog Module grid view and set dark text color as default
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with video slides in fullscreen mode
– Adjusted styling of mobile menu and search icon on mobile devices
– Fixed the issue with parallax effect, when CSS and True Parallax sliders were used on the same page
– Fixed Audio module Volume Bar Height
* style.css
– Fixed the issue with “NaN” value in the counter module
– Fixed the issue with videos, breaking counters on a page
– Clicking the logo always refresh a page properly now
– Fixed the issue with parallax, not resizing with learn more content and toggle modules
– Fixed the issue with multiple fullwidth mobile menus, not working properly on a page
– Fixed the issue where mobile menu does not close after an anchor link is clicked
* js/custom.js
– Fixed the issue with date, saved with double slashes
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/options_divi.php
* functions.php
– Fixed non-English slugs, breaking the filterable portfolio
* functions.php
– Added sub-menu direction option and styling to Fullwidth Menu module
– Added an option to allow background videos to not pause when audio is played
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php
* js/custom.js
– Improved video background functionality
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Added support for webm format in video module
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php
– Updated image uploader in ePanel
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/js/custom_uploader.js
* epanel/options_divi.php
– Fullwidth menus now use classes in place of ids to pass HTML validation
* functions.php
* style.css
– Fixed styling for password protected posts, pages and projects
* functions.php
* js/theme-customizer.js
* style.css
– Removed focus styling in ePanel
* epanel/css/panel.css
– Fixed the issue with responsive shortcodes, not working correctly
* epanel/shortcodes/css/shortcodes_responsive.css
– Fixed fonts preview in Customizer
* epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js
– Fixed the issue with Video player, not shown for video posts using self hosted videos
* functions.php
* style.css
– Fixed the issue with Aweber, breaking the page builder if no API options are set in ePanel
– Fixed FeedBurner form html code in the Subscribe Module
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with Media Library images Grayed Out in “Upload image” modal window
* et-pagebuilder/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.css
– Inner Shadow option works in sections with CSS parallax now
* functions.php
– Switched the footer RSS link from the comments feed to the main feed
* includes/social_icons.php
– Fixed fullwidth modules styling issues in the “Insert Module” modal box
* et-pagebuilder/css/style.css
– Added localization to all strings in the theme
– The theme is now compatible with Right-to-Left Languages
– Code improvements

version 2.2 ( updated 11-06-2014 )
– 2 New Modules: Video and Video Slider
* et-pagebuilder/css/style.css
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
* functions.php
* js/custom.js
* style.css
* Renamed fonts:
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.eot
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.svg
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.ttf
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2_2.woff
– Renamed Team Member module to Person Module
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
– Added login_post scheme variable to login form module ( Fixes issues with Login module on WP Engine )
* functions.php
– Removed all “fuzzy” translations from localization files
* lang/de_DE.mo
* lang/de_DE.po
* lang/en_US.mo
* lang/en_US.po
* lang/ru_RU.mo
* lang/ru_RU.po
– Fixed bug that would make countdown timer days negative when event has passed
– Fixed the issue with Number Counter decimal values, rounded on scroll event
* js/custom.js
– Increased z-index on Scroll To Top button to display it to ensure it’s always displayed on top of all elements
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.1.4 ( updated 09-02-2014 )
– Fixed MailChimp API file name
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/mailchimp.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.1.3 ( updated 09-01-2014 )
– Date Option: Fixed the issue with slashes not being saved properly in ePanel
* epanel/core_functions.php
– Subscribe Module: Fixed the issues with Aweber and MailChimp. Added ajax loader icon.
* functions.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Fixed the issue with WYSIWIG editor visibility, when default editor gets activated
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
– Fixed some issues with contact form, placed below the portfolio module
– Fixed the issue with warning message, appearing when the account wasn’t configured in ePanel
* functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.1.2 ( updated 07-24-2014 )
– Fixed the issue with wrong theme number value detected, if a child theme is being used
* functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.1.1 ( updated 07-23-2014 )
– Fixed the issue with ul and ol elements styling in Page Builder layouts
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 2.1 ( updated 07-22-2014 )
– Added “Back to top” button
– Added Side Navigation on single pages
– Fixed the issue with button arrow position in Chrome
– Don’t show page builder code on search results page
– WYSIWIG mode in Page Builder is now saved, it defaulted to Visual before
– Gallery module: Fixed the issue with “Random Order” option
– Fixed 1/4 column slider appearance
– Fixed html list appearance on index page
– Fixed the issue with Firefox not saving the layout if modules were moved
– Fixed the issue with double quotes, used in Page Builder settings
– Modified Page Builder elements to be responsive
– Added transparent background option to Sections
– Added Close button to the Specialty Section Modal window
– Image Module: Added Title Text option
– Added smooth scrolling for internal links
– Subscribe Module: Integrated Mailchimp 2.0 API
– Added the option to enable smooth scrolling
– Image module: Added “Remove space below the image” option
– Filterable Portfolio: Fixed animation issues in Firefox
– Fixed Widget Area Select ( dropdown ) styling issues
– Added the option to enable/disable background-size: cover for “body”
– Circle Counter: Added limit to the number field
– Circle Counter: Fixed the issue with lazy loading animation
– Disabled the Lazy Loading effect on mobile devices to improve usability
– Filterable Portfolio: Fixed the animation in FF browser
– Pagination: Added localization for Previous and Next links
– Fixed the issue with scrolling to the top of window, when the user clones a section or a row
– Fixed “Menu displayed behind the embedded videos in IE” issue
– Users shouldn’t create sidebars with certain names. Added a note to the Widgets page.
– Fixed Woocommerce notification bar appearance
– Fixed the issue with separator in postmeta
– Fixed “Link color” option in the Customizer
– Added sidebar on WooCommerce category pages
– Fixed some styling issues on the category page
– Section Module: Fixed Background Color option description
– Blog Module: Fixed the width of posts in 4/4 column
– Comments are now visible on pages, where they have been disabled, if there is at least 1 comment on the page
– Map Module: Fixed the issue with custom ID/Class settings
– Blurbs Module: Fixed settings description
– Fixed the issue with inactive secondary menu items on mobile devices
– Fixed the issue with lightbox on pages with several gallery modules. Lightbox scrolls through the images from a single gallery now.
– Slider Module: Added parallax option
– Fixed the issue with jumping image in the slider module
– Pricing Table Module: Fixed layout issues
– Fixed the issue with jumping slides during transitions
– Secondary navigation: Added email link
– Map Module: Added mouse zoom option
– Fixed mega menu width on iPad
– Filterable Portfolio Module: Now it displays only selected categories, not all the categories selected projects assigned to.
– Blog Module: Added option to display the read more button if “Show Excerpts” option is selected
– Login Module: Fixed the module appearance for logged in users
– Map Module: Centered infowindow above the pin
– Fixed the issue with module settings window visibility. It’s not hidden below the WordPress menu anymore.
– Project Page: Fixed the issue with the space on top of the page
– Fixed the issue with the search field display
– Fixed the fullscreen editor visibility issues
– Portfolio Module: Fixed portfolio layout issues
– Renamed icon font files to fix the issue with cache
– Accordion module: Fixed some animation glitches
– Countdown Module: Fixed issues in Safari and IE
– Fixed fonts options in the Customizer
– Fixed the issue with content visible on some password protected posts pages

List of modified files:
* epanel/google-fonts/et_google_fonts.js
* epanel/options_divi.php
* et-pagebuilder/css/style.css
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.eot
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.svg
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.ttf
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder.woff
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.eot
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.svg
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.ttf
* et-pagebuilder/fonts/etbuilder_v2.woff
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
* et-pagebuilder/js/widgets.js
* fonts/ETmodules.eot
* fonts/ETmodules.svg
* fonts/ETmodules.ttf
* fonts/ETmodules.woff
* fonts/ETmodules_v2.eot
* fonts/ETmodules_v2.svg
* fonts/ETmodules_v2.ttf
* fonts/ETmodules_v2.woff
* footer.php
* functions.php
* header.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/MCAPI.class.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Campaigns.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Conversations.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Ecomm.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Exceptions.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Folders.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Gallery.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Goal.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Helper.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Lists.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Mobile.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Neapolitan.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Reports.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Templates.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Users.php
* includes/subscription/mailchimp/Mailchimp/Vip.php
* index.php
* js/custom.js
* js/smoothscroll.js
* js/theme-customizer.js
* lang/de_DE.mo
* lang/de_DE.po
* lang/en_US.mo
* lang/en_US.po
* lang/ru_RU.mo
* lang/ru_RU.po
* page.php
* single-project.php
* single.php
* style.css

version 2.0 ( updated 05-21-2014 )
* All files changed/updated
– Added many options to WordPress Customizer
– Added lightbox to images
– Added real parallax effect
– More elements utilize accent color setting
– Added Aweber and Feedburner integrations for Subscribe module
– Added post formats support
– Video
– Audio
– Quote
– Gallery
– Link
– New Header Options
– Added vertical navigation option
– Added optional secondary header menu
– Added boxed layout option
– Added centered main menu option
– Pagebuilder Updates
– New specialty sections
– Added many new pre-made layouts
– Added clone module functionality
– Updated Modules
– Blurb
– Testimonials
– Added New Modules
– Gallery
– Audio
– Login
– Filterable Portfolio
– Circle Counter
– Number Counter
– Accordion
– Team Member
– Countdown Timer
– Social Media Follow
– Map
– Fullwidth Map
– Fullwidth Menu
– Fullwidth Portfolio
– Fixed the issue with jumping backround image in sliders
– Many bug fixes and CSS improvements
– Bumped version number

version 1.9.1 ( updated 04-21-2014 )
– Fixed Page Builder issues in IE9 and IE10
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.9 ( updated 04-17-2014 )
– Corrected js files version number
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.8 ( updated 04-15-2014 )
– The theme is compatible with WordPress 3.9 now
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
* et-pagebuilder/css/style.css

version 1.7 ( updated 03-06-2014 )
– Fixed the issue with Blog and Portfolio modules pagination on static frontpage
– Fixed the issue with video background in a section, overlaying any content within the section
* functions.php
– Fixed mega menu styling at 960 breakpoint
– Adjusted slider arrow positioning at small sizes
– Improved readability of slider text
– Fixed slider padding issue at mobile breakpoint
– Consolidated header styles
– Adjusted newsletter styling for added consistency
– Changed Blurb & Toggle headings for improved hierarchy
– Adjusted WooCommerce headings for added consistency
– Adjusted portfolio headings for added consistency
– Styled the search widget
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.6 ( updated 02-26-2014 )
– Added the slide link to heading in the Slider module
– Fixed the issue with the separator symbol, appearing in the wrong place, when some items are disabled in the post info section.
– Fixed validation errors in slider and section modules
– Added “New Message From ‘Site Name’ – ‘Contact Form Title'” to the email title field
* functions.php
– Fixed the issue with resizing of images that have the x symbol between width and height values in the filename
– Fixed the issue with .jpeg images and uppercase extensions in cached files
– The theme doesn’t strip slashes from custom css now, when saving the option to the database
– Removed buzz shortcode ( Google retired Buzz )
– Fixed ePanel SEO home options not appearing on static front page
– Better compatibility with WordPress SEO and All In One SEO Pack plugins. ePanel SEO is disabled if these plugins are active now.
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.php
– Disabled lazy loading animations on mobile devices
– ‘Slide Text Color’ option affects navigation arrows and controls color now in the Slider Module
* js/custom.js
* style.css
– Fixed the issue with “Disable Top Menu Links” option in ePanel
* js/custom.js
– Fixed WooCommerce styling issues
– Fixed the issue with post content, visible in tiled blog posts at 320 breakpoint
– Fixed the issue with Portfolio module images not visible in IE8
– Fixed the issue with mediaelementjs videos not displaying correctly in full-screen mode in IE10 and IE11
– Fixed tiled blog post styling in 1/4 column at 480 and 320 breakpoints
– Fixed Contact form module styling at 768px breakpoint
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.5 ( updated 02-18-2014 )
– Fixed ‘Your theme has bundled outdated copies of WooCommerce template files’ warning message
* functions.php
* deleted woocommerce folder
– Fixed Review form styling
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.4 ( updated 02-11-2014 )
– Fixed WooCommerce Sidebar Error
– Added Anti Aliasing
– Fixed the issue with megamenu dropdown links visibility
– Fixed Counters animation in Firefox
– Fixed a typo in Porfolio module title
– Fixed ‘multiple sliders on one page’ issues
– Fixed the issue with hidden checkboxes and radio elements

List of modified files:
* style.css
* js/custom.js
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php

version 1.3 ( updated 01-14-2014 )
– Fixed the issue with multiple categories selected in the Portfolio module
– Fixed the issue with the Contact Form module, not using the Email setting
– Fixed the issue with the More Tag in the Blog module
– Added ‘Fixed Navigation Bar’ option
– Added ‘Automatic slider animation’ option
– Added id and class options to modules. Defined et-hide-mobile class, it can be used to hide the module on mobile devices.
– Fixed validation issues with Contact form and top menu
– Fixed Color Schemes options not saving in the Customizer
– Fixed Text Orientation in the Blurb module
– Fixed the issue with Footer Widget Areas not styled in the Sidebar module
– Fixed the issue with dropdown menu not showing in Safari and iPad in landscape mode
– Removed Cropping from standard blog posts featured images
– Slider arrows are shown at all times on mobile devices now
– Added ‘Image Vertical Alignment’ option to the Slider module
– Added localization for the Subscribe Module
– Added link to the Blurb module image
– Added ‘open in a new window’ option to the Image module
– Added ‘Text orientation’ option to the Fullwidth Header module
– Applied fitVids jQuery plugin to all videos
– Added ‘No Animation’ option to Image and Blurb modules
– Fixed ‘Bottom To Top’ animation
– Fixed Pricing tables columns structure in 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 1/2 columns
– Removed cropping from the main product image
– Removed default iOS form elements styling
– Fixed Calendar widget styling
– Fixed video embedding issues
– Fixed the issue with sub menu, displayed behind embedded videos
– Fixed 1/3 and 1/4 tab modules display on mobile breakpoints
– Fixed 3.8 admin bar front-end styling on mobile devices
– Fixed Products pages styling
– Fixed Blog module styling in 1/4 column
– Fixed pagination styling for blog/shop/portfolio pages
– Fixed the issue with Slide Video not displaying in Firefox
– Fixed slider description text width at mobile sizes
– Fixed pricing table styling at 768px breakpoint
– Fixed 1/3 and 1/4 column styling at 768px breakpoint
– Fixed shop module styling at 768px breakpoint
– Fixed slider module youtube videos size for all columns
– Fixed the issue with pagination on search pages

List of modified files:
* epanel/options_divi.php
* epanel/post_thumbnails_divi.php
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
* functions.php
* header.php
* includes/functions/sidebars.php
* index.php
* js/custom.js
* lang/de_DE.mo
* lang/de_DE.po
* lang/en_US.mo
* lang/en_US.po
* lang/ru_RU.mo
* lang/ru_RU.po
* page.php
* single.php
* style.css

version 1.2 ( updated 12-23-2013 )
– Now you can update Elegant Themes in the Dashboard: https://www.elegantthemes.com/members-area/documentation.html#updater
* epanel/custom_functions.php
– Bumped version number
* style.css

version 1.1 ( updated 12-11-2013 )
– Fixed errors with the theme on some servers
* et-pagebuilder/et-pagebuilder.php
– Fixed issues with saving layouts with no modules
* et-pagebuilder/js/admin.js
– Fixed Search Icon bug in Firefox
* style.css
– Fixed the issue with flashing image in the slider with video preloader
* functions.php
* js/custom.js

version 1.0

– initial release